Credits & Thanks

Thank You

Dan Curtis and the Dark Shadows Cast & Crew for this beautiful, crazy, sometimes silly and wonderful show.

Maggie Evans, Manager of The Dark Shadows Files, for giving me my start as Assistant Manger. Roxanne, fellow Assistant Manager, for her model of great backgrounds and HTML tutoring.

The Anime/Gaming community namely, Angel Almasy, Kitsune Rei, Lauren and everyone at GRU, Angel Bulma's Anime Shrine, and Fallen Angel: An Obsession with Sephiroth.  

HTML-CSS tutorials at Duklyon-Cafe.Org A List Apart, Wiki CSSGroup, Eric Bednarz, WebMonkey, and last but not least, W3C Schools.  See? I was paying attention in class when it was time for the WC3 CSS reference lesson.

ProfStokes for editing assistance on the Fest 2002 page, amongst other pages at this site, plus giving me access to her collection of 1897 tapes, and for being a great friend and Fest roommate.

You for coming to visit this site.  A performer does need an audience. Without you, this site has little purpose.

And above all, I'd like to thank my husband for his love, support and patience especially when I thought I'd throw the computer against the wall trying to learn the Dreamhost FTP on Windows XP.


Unless otherwise indicated, the pictures and web graphics were created by victoriawinters.  Roxanne created the Barnabas wedding picture on Fest 2002, page 1.  Chris shared her wonderful picture of Collinwood shown in the Episode 1 flash.  Angel Almasy takes the credit for the kyrietablebackground and the kyrie picture located in the Dennis Patrick Memorial.

The programs used in this site included Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, PaintShop Pro, Dreamweaver, HTML Kit (especially for the "Code Tidy" feature and Coffee Cup Firestarter.

This site is a dream come true for me.

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© 2004
Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis Production