Pack of Lies

David Selby's Performance

The role of Peter Kroger was a supporting role.  David breaths a great deal of life into the sparsely-staged production.  Peter's speech about the first communist meeting he attended during the 1932 depression in New York was his shining moment.  You could feel what he felt seeing men camped out along the Hudson River and living in squallor because of the failures of capitalism.  His other big speech details Helen and his affection for the Jacksons, particularly their daughter Julie.  Probably because of their running, they can't have children of their own (or won't).

Meeting with David

Finally, we get to the elevator to go down and see David.  Now, the group is being questioned again.  Where is that damn badge when I need it?   Whatever, too late we were in the elevator.  David is real glad to see us.  He talks to us about things happening in his life and in Dark Shadows.  His play was going to be performed in West Virginia and he was busy working on that.

He was wearing a wrinkled jacket (so was Julian Sands) which you can't tell from the pictures below.  I thought he was divine none the less.

Here are some pictures with him:  

victoriawinters, Jane, David, Nancy and Sharon

victoriawinters, Jane, David, Nancy and Sharon

victoriawinters & David

victoriawinters & David Selby (P.S. He's very huggable!)

Nancy, Jane, Sharon, victoriawinters

Nancy, Jane, Sharon, victoriawinters

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© 2004
Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis Production