Monday, July 05, 2004

4th of Julyitis

Funny how a three day week-end will really create the lazys in folks including me. I've just needed more downtime then usual. It's kinda sad.

All my updates to this site have also fallen the way of 4th of Julyitis. Plus, I've been having too much fun playing Vampire the Masquerade, Redemption.

Finally, after around five or six tries, I beat the boss in the monastery, Mercuio. It went really quickly once I found the secret. Equip the femur bone (after you cast the ID spell on it), case celerity on yourself and wack away. The celerity speeds up your attack and the bone does more damage to a vamp type of guy. Then, I just kept tabbing between the two characters so they would auto heal. Went really sweet.

P.S. Those monks are rather tasty don't you think?

Finally, I watched some episodes on Disc 12, Set 1 of Dark Shadows. Carolyn Groves was not half bad as Victoria. So much better then that high pitched, whinny Betsy Durkin. She was just on my nerves to be sure.

Kitchen has been demo'ed and the new DVD/CD shelves arrived. Finally, I shall have a place for my DS collection. However, Barnabas bobble head will remain on my desk. It will look really nice when it's done but it's hell having no kitchen sink. But, on the bright side, I won't have to wash dishes for three weeks. :)

Well off to bed, it's a frightful late hour. I'll pay for my night owlness tomorrow I'm sure.


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