Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The Devil Children

Mood: Man, that lacquer has such an odor. The fumes kinda make you high... So, I'm happy today. lol....

Today's Music: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique. That should match the lacquer fumes.

John (hubby) has just done a really good job with everything. We are already lined up to start the next phase. That will involve demolition of the termite infested deck, taking out an avocado tree, replacing the water heater, replacing the master bedroom windows, killing the french doors and replacing them with a window and then painting the outside of the house.

There are still other projects to come like cleaning out the dreaded office supply closet in the office. The horror of it all...

Dark Shadows Episodes #668 to #669: The episodes confirm that I made a correct decision to not have little munchkin. They are little devils they are. David and Amy's little pranks can only spell trouble for the Collins family. The scarcity actor I have ever seen is David Henesy. When he gives his smile as he is about to do devilry, it is scary then hell. These episodes seem really frightening to me. Possessed devil children. Hurry run to the hills.

I hope really soon that David Selby does not have to make his stern silly face anymore. It seems rather silly and it's not very scary. I expect him to start saying Abe Lincoln's, Emancipation proclamation or the Second Inaugural address. He looks just too much like Lincoln here.

Besides which, whoever heard of ghosts opening doors and picking up candlesticks in full form. It's just scarier when the candlestick is moving but no one is there! Must have been low budget there.

Well off to get ready....


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