Festival 2002

A world I've never known, with people I've never met.

Saturday Nite - Costume Event

The big event was here, the Costume Event.  I'm such a big ham.  I just love to get up on stage and get attention.  I live for applause.  The other big joy was getting to meet my now best friend, ProfStokes.  She had the best costume event by far with her parody of The Dream Curse set to "Dream, Dream, Dream" by the Everly Bros.  People still remember her event over a year later.   Some attendees were very elaborately dressed.  Others were not.  Because I couldn't stand in line long, the organizers let me sit.  They were quite sweet about the entire thing.  It was great!

We All Line Up

We All Line Up for the Big Event

I had no clue as to what folks did at these things, so I decided to recite a Victoria Winters voice over that I liked (Episode 219, Written by Ron Sproat).  My friend Roxanne told me about summer dresses at Ross for Less that looked like the no sleeve dresses from the 60s.  Luckily, they were on sale.  For $11 bucks, I was set. 

victoriawinters Waits for her Entrance

victoriawinters on Stage

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"My name is Victoria Winters....
A dawn obscured by mists from the sea
slowly creeps toward Collinwood.
And through the morning mist,
a man emerges from the darkest pit
the night can know.
But the peace he looks for will
not come with the day.
For through the mists into
the morning, he brings with him the
torments of the night."
victoriawinters on Stage

victoriawinters Exits Stage


They played Night of Dark Shadows afterwards. Thus ended Saturday.

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© 2003 victoriawinters.net
Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis Production