Saturday, July 09, 2005

Vampire Quiz and other Items

This was a fun vampire quiz to take...

Undying Artist

You are the Undying Artist. Moody, erratic, and
empassioned, you find art in the darkness. You
cultivate dark beauty and dark artists to
surround yourself and drink of the song in
their blood.

What Fictional Vampire Archtype are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's nice to know I'm still on the artistic side.

Thayer David is an amazing actor. I watched a Dark Shadows episode today where he is Quentin in the body of Count Petofi. What a shiny star he was. Gestures strained as he is trying to act like Petofi but he is really humbled, trapped Quentin. Good stuff. I'm very sorry I missed his Kojak episode this week. Hopefully, I'll catch it next time.


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