Monday, February 09, 2004


MAME IS FINALLY DONE!!! Wow! Very overdue! But, well worth the wait. The mouse over effect is just sooooooo cute! I would have never been able to do that in 2002!

No I haven't gone crazy either. No frames ma! CSS keeps the head still. See Devnull's Tag Soup Fixed. Such a clean look don't you think?

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Happy Birthday Alexandra Molkte on Feburary 11.

Our celebration is up and going! Check out the Menu and Main Index of this site to see. The music may take a bit to upload. Please be patient. Word of caution, it doesn't seem to work in the Mozilla browser. It says it does, but I can't see it. Have no idea how to fix it either. It will play in Internet Explorer or Opera browsers.

EDIT-Hazah!!!!! It works everywhere now!!!!!

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Well damnitalltoohell..... Microsoft is not changing the Internet Explorer browser for the time being. Click Seems that the patent office is disputing the Eolas patent and Microsoft is appealing the case.

Suppose I can put back up the java applet. But, I'm thinking I could do a better job of it anyway, so what the hey. It also didn't hurt I fixed the index page. All the code has been all cleaned up and it's real tidy.

Working the "Mame" page (David Selby's appearance from 2002). It was just one of those things I never got around to finishing. But, glad I waited... It will be much nicer now anyway since I've learned so much more! Plus, now I have a real web space to play with.