Friday, June 25, 2004

Mood: Feeling a little better.
Music: I think it should be a Coldplay day. Seems foggy outside. I'll be glad when June gloom season is over.

I did some work on my David Selby report from Sunday's performance of Pack of Lies. However, I have not done anything since. Hopefully, I'll finish it on Sunday and get some work done on it. That would be so ever lovely.

Well onto recent episodes. I finished Disc 4, Set 11. Elizabeth was haunted by Cassandralique. Soon afterwards she died. Maggie was hired as the new governess. Hmmm qualifications: speaks English, drives a car, good waitress, hard worker. Ok, she'll do. I've seen worse in Nanny type folks.

Then, I just was complused to watch Disc 1, Set 12. Barnabas is hot! Love that three piece grey suit. Then he had on a black one. Both really, really sharp. I wish all men would dress like that. It's so hot!

Those kids, David & Amy really scare the crap out of me with their smiles after doing their little pranks. There is nothing worse then little devil children.

So, now I'm up to Episode 661. Barnabas has gone back to the past and went all vampire. He also really looks extremely hot in his 1795 attire. I want to rush out to Nordstrom right now and get that outfit for my man. He has really nice legs and would look really hot in those pants. Anyway back to Barnabas, I hope his mission will be completed and not change too much history. So, more episodes later.

I have many phone calls to make this morning and get a project going. Have a great week-end.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Mood: In pain....
Music: Evanescence and Smashing Pumpkins. Love Amy Lee's voice. Can never get tired of it. Hope they are coming out with a new CD soon. About to wear out my current one. Got a listen of the Smashing Pumpkins. I like them too but not as much as Radiohead.

To my horror, I feel asleep to a few of my episodes of DS today. I did a big huzzah though after Betsy Durkin disappeared in her room. This after she turned down Barnabas' proposal of marriage. The stupid, stupid girl. How could she turn someone down who was that hot? For of all people, Jeff Clark? Yuck. She is in high need of a mental evaluation and a trip to Windcliff.

I just adore Joan Bennett. She is just so big on my TV screen. Just fills it up and all she has to do is walk into the room. Such presence.

Thursday, June 17, 2004


Music: The vacuum cleaner. I'll have to find some music to listen to in the car. However, The Marriage of Figaro has been playing in my head since I'm going to see it on Saturday. Oh happy day! It's my favorite opera. I must find a dress to wear too.

Episode 646: The yummy man appears today. Hmmmmmm. They sure made him very scary looking and menacing. Then there is those two devil children. My goodness what a handful they are. Instead of a governess, one needs an exorcist. LOL. This episode seemed much longer then the others. Perhaps, I accidentally watched two in a row. These episodes are really hard to put down.

I may have to change this blog layout again for the David Selby fans. hee hee. But, I just don't have the heart to take down my boyfriend Nicholas Blair. He's yummy too. Well we'll see. Bye for now.

Music: The vacuum cleaner. I'll have to find some music to listen to in the car. However, The Marriage of Figaro has been playing in my head since I'm going to see it on Saturday. Oh happy day! It's my favorite opera. I must find a dress to wear too.

Episode 646: The yummy man appears today. Hmmmmmm. They sure made him very scary looking and menacing. Then there is those two devil children. My goodness what a handful they are. Instead of a governess, one needs an exorcist. LOL. This episode seemed much longer then the others. Perhaps, I accidentally watched two in a row. These episodes are really hard to put down.

I may have to change this blog layout again for the David Selby fans. hee hee. But, I just don't have the heart to take down my boyfriend Nicholas Blair. He's yummy too. Well we'll see. Bye for now.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Mood: Sleepy Head
Music: Ray Charles. A dear musical legend passed away on June 10 at the age of 73.

I'm so sleepy because I've getting up early and/or going to bed too late. Ugh. Need to go to bed early today. It's been busy, busy, busy around here with all of the home improvement/Nathaniel coming for the summer stuff. It's almost too hectic.

Back to Dark Shadows. Ok, now I no I don't like Betsy Durkin as Victoria Winters. Her acting skills are not very polished and her voice. Eee gads that voice. The way she pitches her voice seems a bit forced and contrived. Also, she has some kind of whine in it. Anyway, she belongs to the hall of Dark Shadows shame.

I was almost going to celebrate her jumping off Widow's Hill. Please jump and you can be gone. But, my wish was not granted.

Barnabas has been MIA...... Please come back! What will happen to you now?

Another seance has occurred in the great house. Magda spoke through Carolyn. Wrong spirit. They were trying to dial up Jeff Clark. Oh well, you can't win them all. Might have helped if we had his spiritual cell number. :)

I was amused by Professor Stokes witty chat with Amy Jennings (#641). "So, my appeal extends to all ages. Good." Yes, good indeed.

We have a werewolf in our midst. Who is he? Why? Well find out soon enough I assure you. Yea! 1897 is when Humbert Allen Astredo reappears as Evan Hanley, attorney and black magic specialist. Yummy.

Still no silent David Selby sighting. But, soon very soon.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Music: Benny Goodman, Live at Carnegie Hall - "Sing, Sing, Sing". Yes, the record that launched my music career. I heard this recording as a child. When it came time to choose instruments for band, I let my parents know that I wanted to play clarinet. They were surprised by my choice. I suppose they thought I should be playing the flute or somesuch. You know, those female instruments. I piped back, "isn't that the instrument on this record and the one that Benny Goodman plays?" They said "yes." Two weeks later, I had my first musical instrument, the clarinet.

I shed a tear today because they bumped off my boyfriend, Nicholas Blair on Dark Shadows. He was so close to controlling it all. I have a feeling that the coming weeks may be a bit slow as we wrap up the 1968 storyline on DS. They finally did get around to the monster attempting to kill off folks again like the original Mary Shelley story but I have a feeling that those playing the Modern Prometheus will live and Adam will either be killed or disappear into oblivion. Sort of an odd end. What has happened to Angelique? Will that remain a mystery?

Unfortunately, before Nicky died, he raised up Tom Jennings. He is such a BORING vampire. Where is his hypnotic appeal? What was his point other then biting folks? If you want to lure the ladies Tom, get with the hypnotic, sexy appeal. Jez, what are you thinking?

Then, Chris Jennings, his mysterious twin gets introduced. Too bad the acting doesn't get better with this character. Suppose he has appeal for some, but he doesn't do much for me.

I still don't know what to make of Betsy Durkin as Victoria. She's not a stand out but they aren't giving her too much to do either. She did have good chemistry with Jeff though in today's episode. She made it believable that the guy that touches his hair too much was worth keeping in this time. Why? I still have not been able to figure out. If it were me, I would have dumped him and gone with Barnabas. He's far more interesting, a gentlemen and sexy as hell. Yes, I know he's like 250 years older. But, old is as old does I always say.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Music: Radiohead still..... I also purchased some Messiaen, "Trois Petite Liturgie". Kent Nagano conducts with Yvonne Loriod on Ondes-Martenot.

I'm bummed today because I'm still in a bit of pain. Did me loads of good to be seen by the doctor yesterday, not... After feeling better from last week's flare, he decided to "examine" me and touch my tender points. Oh gee, now I get to feel my flare. I should have just gone to work. I'm feeling better today. A good hot bath should quickly revive me here for the day.

Well onto the drool of the day... Episode 631. Nicky is sure having trouble keeping it all together. It's starting to fall apart on him. Adam has disappeared. Tom is out loose. Then Barnabas the hero kills him with the cross and daylight. Truly, it did not hurt my feelings to get rid of Tom. He is not a great vampire. He is just a monster out for blood. Blah. I like the Byronic type. A little romance before the bite is always a good thing.

Betsy Durkin is Victoria Winters. Hmmm.... Don't know what to make of her. I've seen worse acting on DS to be sure. Time will tell.

Barnabas was quite dashing today when he saved Victoria and killed off Tom Jennings. Yea my hot hero Barnabas. I wish though he would take off his coat and stay awhile if you know what I mean. He always has on that coat on the inside of the house. Well, off to work today....