Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Dark Velvet

Music: Various
Opera Singer Robert Merrill died at his home this week-end at the age of 85, no 87. He was watching the World Series on TV. He is well known to the opera world by his many recordings, singing the Star Spangled Banner at Yankee Stadium and talk show appearances. Merrill also popularized opera to the masses. I suppose you can say he was a "cross-over" artist before that was a popular thing to do.

Beverly Sills describes his voice as dark velvet. I think that sums it up.

I have been distressed by the number of deaths in the music world this year. We have lost Jerry Goldsmith, Elmer Bernstein and David Raskin.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Yes, I Know no Posts in Mighty Long Time

Music: Carmen (Bizet)
Thoughts: It's election hell. I just believe that this election is not going to go well for the progressives. Four more year of Bush, and I may be in a coma for several more years. No telling when I will wake up.

Not my normal cup of tea for this site. However, it's just nagging at me. I'm very, very concerned for the poor of this country. For those needing health care, for those that have it and can't afford it.

Don't know how much longer Bush is going to be able to sustain his fiscal policies. I can tell you from experience that going into debt to the tune of $7,429,511,697,284.39 is not a good idea. With so many baby boomers either at retirement or about there, it's going to get worse rather then better. The Social Security and Medicare dollars from our tax returns goes to pay the current retirees and is not put into a separate pot. It's all in one pot. There is no way anyone is going to be able to sustain several wars and this glut of retirees and still cut taxes. It's going to cause more inflation.

Wages are stagnated. I hear all the time from clients that don't want to give too many raises or no raises at all. This would increase taxes.

Just picture this as an evil monsters tentacles going out to the poor and middle classes and sucking the life out it and you'd have it about right. Only thing is they are not going to have much more to suck. Even Henry Ford paid his workers enough to be able to buy his cars. Food for thought.