Saturday, May 29, 2004


I love this new layout with Humbert Allen Astredo as the evil but delicious Nicholas Blair. For those of you not watching the 1968 Dark Shadows storyline, you are missing some really good stuff.

Of this time period, I do have to say that Nicky is my absolute fav. I love the voice he uses when he casts spells. Then, there is the look into my eyes thing. Yummy. Oh yes, I will look into your eyes.

It's very interesting to see him and how he has to control so many people. In one episode, he had to control Adam, Angelique, Barnabas, Julia and a ghost, Philippe Cartier. I almost thought he wouldn't make it. But, he pulled it off.

It will be interesting to see what they will do with this story line's conclusion. At the end of Frankenstein, the monster kills the creator.

In the meantime, I'm re-reading Frankenstein by Mary Wollenscraft Shelley. Good book! I'll chat more about Prometheus, Frankenstein, etc. and how it relates to the 1968 story a bit later. It's going to take some time to finish all the reading.

I think I should get with getting the calendar up to date, etc.

Have a great day!